amy i dont know what's wrong with her... she looked like she's incapable to connect with her song. not only last night but also the week before. sometimes she's expression-less, sometimes over-express and it made her look weird!
see... like cone head kan? i think the corset also looked a little to tight on her. oh, and did you guys notice? she looked like ning baizura last night.
and i just dont understand why mawi *roll eyes* has got so many fans. people, this guy cant sing! :-P i and what's with the "world" thing? he doesnt even pronounce it right. it's more like "wol" or "wel", pronounced with slightly rolling the end of one's tongue. yuck!!! "wel"!! :-P i think some of his fans dont even know why they're voting for him. maybe bcos si a bin si a is voting for him, si a1 bin si a1 also vote for him lah! "wel"!!! :-P like want muntah darah ooo i!
i'm not a fan of fuad so, i didnt really feel anything about him being sent home. thank god my favs are still in!
if you asked me who my favs are...
1. of course Felix lah
2. i'd hv to say (at this point) Marsha coz.. emmm... maybe coz i think she's got the whole package; she has the look, (quite) good voice, she plays the piano, flirty etc. etc
3. amylea - great vocal, great dancer
that's all lah... the others are just ordinary i guess...
oklah! time for the fugliest outfit of all! in case you're wondering what fugly means, visit this site.
and the winner for this weeks fugliest outfit award *drum roll* AKMA!!!
1 comment:
Hi mimi,
Sorry lama ndak blog cuz malas + bz..hehehe.. I strongly agree with u about Mawi fans...gila betul suda dorang tu...minta puji suda si mawi tu pasal dia tau byk fans...yikes!!! Sudalah gatal mo bini pandai urut...:)). Sia pun minat si felix..afuuuuuunfi...FELIX...hehehe..
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