Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Gambar Heliza AF5 Tanpa Make-up???

Catchy enough ka the title???

for those who watched the recent Trek Celebrity, you should know that Heliza is back in UMS. not that i'm a fan of Trek Celebrity - oops! pembetulan : Selebriti, but TERnampak bah last weekend so, yes y'all, Heliza is back in UMS.

just now, she came to our office coz she couldn't login to one of UMS punya applications, the Student Info System. the system was partly maintained by us, and partly by the academic dept. so, my colleague, let's just call her si Kicik, is the person in charge of the system. Heliza and one of her friends went to see Kicik.

si LAi whispered to me, "Heliza???" i was like "Dunno... Macam" nampak sipi ja bah...

after she left the office, my colleague who sits in front of Kicik said "Kenapa kamu tidak pi begambar sama Heliza tadi?"

Kicik : Mana Heliza?
Us : Yang jumpa ko tadi...
Kicik : Hahhhh ???? Maka, sya cakap 'ada saya tampal di luar kan?' (*dengan tone yg mcm marah sikit*) lagi tuuuu...

Bulih-bulih si kicik marah ARTIS

the colleague who sits infront of Kicik went and call Heliza back. Why? To take photo laah... Artis maaaahhhh...

So, here are the photos...



Heliza x 2 = Me
Gosh! I Feel so F-A-T

Beautiful isn't she? She looked gorgeous, even without Make-up!


Anonymous said...

siap kena panggil balik lagi si heliza utk sesi bergambar ah...hahaha

oh..dia sambung study di ums? good la...

she is so skinny oh!

Anonymous said...

dia ada lab kat SST tiap jumaat... ari tu aku nampak la dia ni kat CP... aku trus cakap ngan sepupu aku... eh itu budak kan reminds me of that Heliza lah from AF cuma this one nampak pendek sikit.... my cousin was like.. dia lah tu dia amik course pendidikan di UMS... I was like... OOOOoooooOO begitu... rupanya budak UMS... memang katak bawah tempurung pula saya ni...