Saturday, April 26, 2008

Yay!!! Successfully presented my Final Year Project 1!

so happy!!!

i've just presented my FYP1 and luckily, my examiner and the panels didnt bombard me with any un-answerable questions !

i've done well - i guess

now, bring on the FYP2!

FYI, i'm still in the presentation room watching and providing moral support to my classmates.

p/s : if my supervisor / examiner / panels are reading this, thanks a lot to you guys for not giving me a hard time.


Misako said...

no worries.. u did well.. all the best with your FYP2. Keep in touch ya..

Mimi said...

thanks a lot Pn. Siti... i owe it all to you! i've almost given up on FYP1, thanks for your kind advice, decided to just go for it - just to get it over and done with. i promise i will do better for FYP2. btw, i didnt know u also read my blog :-D

Anonymous said...

ellone bilang inda bulih cakap 'yay' ba.

Mimi said...

oh no! iya kan... mesti ingat tu