this morning, ellone brought a (small) packet of Tiger biscuit to school. just now, i asked her whether she has eaten her the biscuits or not. she then told me that a boy by the name of Alex had taken and eaten it without anyone's knowing.
so kesian she didn't even had a chance to taste it...
i said to her, later we go and buy another biscuit and bring it to school tomorrow. she agreed and add, "we buy 4 ok, mommy? 2 kasi kawan, 2 ellone punya"
and i haven't even taught her Maths yet!
waa...mungkin Ellone belajar subtraction juga, 4-2=2, ka?
wah, Ellone so clever ooooooo!!!!!!!!
anonymous : ya, lepas sya taip ini entry, jnr ckp sama dia,"Ellone, kalau ellone beli 4, kasi kawan 1, Ellone punya brp?" Ellone kira pakai tangan lagi tau. dia kasi jari dia 4, pastu dia kasi bengkok 1, baru dia jwp, "Ellone punya 3". so, must be subtraction.
os : sya pun heran trus excited ni. i always thought it is too early to start her on Maths bah, tp mcm tau sendiri. atau pun maybe kena ajar di school.
so clever la ellone.. hehehe
Happy Mother's Day to you :)
Eh Mimi...ko Andrew pun slalu mention nama Alex tau...slalu dia cakap Alex jaat...pukul dia la..tulak dia la..hehhe..mebbe hyper ni si Alex tau...
Wah pandai oo Ellone...very smart lil' girl :).
herda : Thanks, Da...
yone : itulah... c ellone pun selalu komplen c alex tumbuk dia. dia bilang "C Alex yang gemuk" heheh... but memang gemuk tau, & pindik...
Hope it's not too late to wish u happy mother's day, wah ur ellone so cute eh, maybe intelligent like u dats y calculation 2+2 pun no problem hehe..
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