Saturday, May 31, 2008

Kotobian Do Tadau Kaamatan!

on behalf of the whole family, my 3 yrs old daughter, Ellone, would like to wish "Kotobian Do Toun Vagu" to everyone...

and not to forget, an e-card for you too!



@dR3h said...

haha.. precious.. precious moment.. buli jd wakil unduk ngadau ni kalau sudah cukup umur len.. hehehe

nanie kk said...

Cutenya c Ellone....wish u Kotabian do tadau kaamatan...

KaDusMama said...

Punya kiut ur daughter!!!! Posing tu ba

kuireena said...

kiutnya si ellone ni Len.. children are so adorable bah kan..
anyways, happy belated kaamatan to u and family

Mimi said...

tq tq... heheh :-D