Thursday, June 19, 2008

And she never failed to amaze me...

here's a video of Ellone writing down her name

and she's only 3 yrs old!

Hasil tulisan:-


Hehehe... siap ada garisan di bawah lagi tau!


Anonymous said...

Ellone seems to catch things up pretty quick. You must be one lucky if not tired mum :)

carolchs said...

mesti dia nampak kamu tulis nama ada garis2 di bawah tu kan..tulah dia pun ter copy...hehehe

3 yrs old and can write her own name. pretty amazing for such small kiddo i must say. budak sia yg drjah 3 pun kdg2 ada problem mo tulis nama sendiri...

Mimi said...

dia punya memory kuat bah ni... satu kali tingu/dingar, sudah ingat. lagipun, cousin dia suda tadika kan, ada kawan dia mo belajar tulis2...