Tuesday, June 03, 2008


eiii??? apa ni??









Announcing the arrival of my Coach Large Carly Signature!

have to settle with the medium one due to budget constraint

To my beloved hubby THANK YOU VERY MUCH, I LOVE YOU!

and to those of you who helped me with the decision, thanks to you too!

Yayyy!!! Me very happy one.....

p/s : budget constraint was also due to the "impulsive purchasing" of item no. 3 


mai said...

wahh!! so jeles :)

kuireena said...

wei..hubby's bajet or ko punya baket tu? Wah so nice la ur handbag. Mcm sia ni mmg peluki betul mo spend on handbags. The other day mo beli sudah yg mahal2, but in the end i settled on a 30 bucks punya h/bag seja. So luki kan...hahahaha. Bila la laki aku mo kasi beli sia Coach/LV handbag ni aaa?

Mimi said...

maizura, cuba check http://allureisbeautiful.blogdrive.com... aduiii... sampai sya temimpi-mimpi bah beg2 dlm tu... heheh

Bi, psl bajet tu... biarlah rahsia... heheheh... sya pun jarang beli beg mahal2. once in a blue moon bah org bilang, but then, mcm sayang pula mo pakai tau... takut kena scratch/kotor hehehe...