Monday, January 05, 2009

Bye Bye 2008, Hello 2009!

i guess it's not too late to wish everyone Happy New Year 2009.

well, this is just going to be a very very short update coz i kinda lazy to blog lately. as usual, i hv a lot to blog about, but i just couldnt put it into words so, i'd better save them for later - when my blogging mood returns.

i wanted to do a recap on what happened in 2008, but no mood to blog. will just tell u guys one thing. just before new year, on the 31st to be exact, went to the clinic coz i had trouble breathing since the night before. i also hv that wheezing sound and it is especially loud when i exhaled. the thought of asthma did cross my mind, but i tried to shrug it off, thinking that maybe it's just because i hv too many phlegm in my throat. the visit to the doctor the next morning confirmed my worst fear - I have asthma. was put on the nebulizer for a good 15-20 minutes, which was very uncomfortable. doctor suggested that i should use the asthma spray, but i refused and choose the asthma pill instead. i just realized that the wheezing sound is totally gone today. yay for me! hopefully it wont return any time sooner.

now, on to my list to look forward to in 2009.

1. lose 11kg at least by end of feb 2009. Oya.... i dont mean to brag, but i have already lost 8 kg in 6 weeks, dropped from size XL to M, lost 10.5cm on my waist and lost 9cm on my thigh.

2. learn to put on make-up hehehe... Os! ko la tu kasi jangkit mineral pigment!

3. move to my small apartment

4. more money

itu ja la... not much, but enough to keep me bz for the whole 2009.

ok la... i said this will only be a short update kan? looks like long oredi.

bah, that's it for now... i may not be updating this blog for a while tho... til then.. bye bye peeps!


Joyce said...

Wah!!! 8kg..!!! very good. Bah nanti ko mesti explain sia mcmana ko lost weight ah...

Yay sia ada makeup buddy sudah :)

KaDusMama said...

wah!!!!!! 8kg?? thats a good achievement tu!! tia lama lagi ko akan mencapai target nie kan.. :)
Pasal your asthma..hope it won't come back after all kan..!!

Mimi said...

Os : sya ada beli brush set dari ebay kama ni... harap2 ok tu brush set. lepas ni, mo beli mineral pigmen. skrg blm dpt decide lagi apa mo beli hehehe

kadusmama : ya... harap2 x pandai balik tu asthma. scary juga oo x ble breath mlm2

Anonymous said...

Nahh... terjangkit sudah ko penyakit si Joyce.. Saya pun gila sudah sama make-up... tapi saya belum beli lagi the mineral pigments. I am a bit intimidated by the sparkling colors... nanti sia pi office macam orang mau pi clubbing pula hahaha.

I hope this is just a phase.

How did you lose the 8kg?

LAi said...

aik..mcm mana buli kurus pun mau la...kasi tau sa sapaaaaatttt.....ko makan herbalife ka ni???ekekeke

Mimi said...

bee : i know you're also one of joyce's victim, kan? hehehe... but u know wat? she's also a twilighters now hehehehe... so kamurang kasi jangkit each other la ni... about the 8kg, well... i admit i had a little help from a certain product, tp mostly sya jaga makan & excersice. the product claimed that there'll be no regain in weight even after u stopped consuming them. dunno la... ni la mo try ni

LAi : hehehe... bukan herbalife la.. sya pernah juga try tu herbalife, tp x berkesan pun sm sya. lagipun, makan herbalife lambat turun, mcm 1kg 1 bulan ka.. yg sya punya ni 3 mths program saja. i'm into my 7th week now, so far paling puas hati la... berminat? nnt sya blog la, bila suda ada mood heheh

Joyce said...

Ya!!!!!!!!!! I love Edward Cullen!!! Arrrggghhh!!!! Team Edward !!
ooouuu bah nanti ko mesti blog pasal tu brush set ya...