My reliable spoilers source is early today. it’s only 8:41 a.m and he’s already giving out the spoilers.
so far, Adam Lambert, Kris Allen and Lil Rounds are safe.
Matt Giraud is in the bottom three… WHATTTT????
Michael Sarver is also in the bottom three.
As of 8:48 a.m…
Allison Iraheta, Anoop Desai and Danny Gokey are safe.
Megan Joy Corkrey is also safe.
Scott MacIntyre is in the bottom three.
ok… the stupidest thing just happened. as of 8:56 a.m, all the judges agrees that Matt shouldn’t be in the bottom three. Ryan then sent someone back to safety. Guess Who?
Scott MacIntyre mannnn!!!!
Owh GOD!!!! I thought that someone is going to be Matt but no, i dunno why Scott was saved. Buduh!
As of 9:13 a.m…
Michael Sarver has been eliminated and the judges decided not to save him.
WTFFFF?? Matt is in the bottom 3?? mcm allison last week jgk oo.. hopefully dia tidak tekluar la.. iskk..
Nasib baik Sarver was eliminated. Sia rasa the judges would have used the save option if Matt yang paling last. I can't believe Scott has more fans than Matt!
ee..i hv no complain abt Sarver elimated. But Matt SHOUD NOT be in the bottom. Scott having more fans than Matt?? sukar utk dipercayai...*pengsan*
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