Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Photo Tag By Zue

I’ve just realized that lately, I’ve only been posting American Idol’s spoilers – who’s in and who’s out. Don’t really have the time to blog properly. Anyway, just to put some ‘variety’ to my latest entry (Thursday I’ll be posting another spoiler), decided to bayar hutang tag to Kak Zue. did this one mainly because it seems simple enough. i still have a lot of hutang tag and awards left unclaimed from a few good friends… be patient ya kawan-kawan…

ok… here are the rules…

Go to your photos folder in your computer. Go to the 6th folder of photos. Go to the 6th picture in that folder. Put the picture on your blog and a description of it. Invite six friends to join the challenge. Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged.


my 6th folder has only one photo in it. this photo was taken by my SIL – Cherry’s mommy. if i’m not mistaken, this was taken at Tanjung Aru Beach on Oct 27, 2007. Cherry was 4yrs old, Ellone was 2. couldn’t really say much about this photo though, we wasn’t there. i wonder what Ellone was trying saying to Cherry.

i’m in the mood to play tag so now, i’m tagging these blogger to join in the fun:-


Nleen – I know u’re already tagged by Kak Zue, but u haven’t done this yet so i guess i still can tag you hehehe…






1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7… OOPS!!! Terlebih sudah!


KaDusMama said...

:) ada masa sia buat ah..ko tau lah sia nie pemalas buat tag..hehheee

Mimi said...

hehehe... bila2 bah, T... sya pun actually paling malas buat tag, tp boring suda org crita AI saja heheheh

Joyce said...

Oh ok...ini senang...sia buat lah..

elcynthia 엘신티아 said...

okeh... jangan tekejut with my output. manatau gambar korea sa pula yg keluar! hahahaha...