I’m just glad that my favourite contestant, Kris Allen has made it to the final round! and I really hate the fact that he’s up against Adam Lambert who - without any doubt – is going to win this whole thing. Still hoping for a miracle tho… but… *sigh*
it's pretty obvious. the vote's is going to be a landslide. Adam's winning this thing. sigh. Might as well go watch Angels and Demons tonight. Hope Hollywood won't butcher up another one of my fav books.
eh, the movie is out oredi ka??? i'm really curious to see whether they would really do all the gory scenes. but of course byk cut tu kan?
:( too bad Danny didn't make it to the final. As my fav contestant is out,the show no longer interest me. hehe..i'm sure Adam will win but who knows? Miracle may happen..:)
WHAT??!!! after Adam made a "malatup" performance of Aeorosmith's "Crying"...and u want Kris to win??
mama mia : let us all hope for miracle...
joyce : sya rasa nda malatup pun. start saja masuk 2nd verse, he stopped 'singing' and started shrieking like he always do. and the shrieking is extremely painful to listen to.
Len, you're right about Adam. Don't even get me started on the shrieking part. It's like damn annoying.
I read Angels and demons almost five years ago, I can't remember much about the storyline but from the partial details that I can remember it seems like they doing it by the book this time. Unlike Da Vinci Code, they followed the book very closely. Yes, by closely I meant, they've included even all the gory details - the killings of the four cardinals were done in the most chilling ways!!
It helped that I had almost forgotten about the storyline. It made figuring out all the puzzles pretty interesting to me. But too bad five minutes into the movie I remembered who the real badass was. I kept praying that they would change that part. Haha.
My verdict. It's 10 times better than Da Vinci Code.
I hope they'll make Deception Point after this. Dan brown is a very factual and intelligent storyteller.
Wow Mimi..lain urang lain pendapat oo kan? hehe..tapi sia punya kawan (music people lah kunun dia ni..hehe)bilang, Adam susah mo manang, walaupun he should be the winner..becoz Kris ada strong fan base compare to Adam..lagipun Adam kan ada issue pasal 'kissing photo' tu..
Of course I want Adam to win (jgn marah aaa..hehe) becoz even though ramai urang nda suka pasal 'shrieking' sound dia tu..hehe..but he got his own 'unique' thing that kris don't have..but that 'unique' thing also will make Adam lose the battle..
So, I think ko punya pujaan tu bulih manang..sbb dia bukannya nda bulih nyanyi kan? My friend thought Adam should win becoz he got the talent and idea to arrange a song and make it his own..and the shrieking sound is his 'trademark'..but was it painful to listen to? Hmm..pitch dia mmg nda pernah sumbang lah..but yeahh..some people like it, some don't..so adam ka, kris ka..dua2 pun deserve to win..yeah!!
kris mmg pandai sbb nyanyi tu lagu Heartless..sampai hari ni pun masih terngiang ngiang ooo itu lagu
Yeah I Agree with Shanel...!!!!
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