Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dan Sebenarnya…

I have fallen in love with our local artist, Yuna.

ok, i know Yuna is old news but I’ve just found out that she is the singer of Dan Sebenarnya. ok, another old news.

so, i youtubed all her songs and does anybody agree with me if i say she sounded a lot like Jewel?


CikSengal said...

have you heard of zee avi? another excellent two thumbs up US-based Malaysian singer/composer.. she goes by the name kokokaina in youtube..

now, this is what i call 'transformasi' in Malaysian music. seriously, nothing like those AF thingy.. :p

Mimi said...

CikSengal : yup! sokong 100%!

admin said...

Dan sebenarnya... my favourite song.. maybe my favourite singer later.. she has a very, err matured, i can see a good two-way communication from her (based on interview semata-mata le)... tengo la sejauh mana minat nya sa dengan Yuna. BUT her songs, fantastic five thumbs up!