Wednesday, November 15, 2006


i dont know what is it with this pocho-pocho dance that almost everybody go crazy abt it. entahlah, lately, macam in every function, these ppl will try to make a slot for pocho-pocho dance, be it a wedding, company's annoual dinner, family day, uni student's open day... semua mo ada pocho-pocho.

i dont get it. seriously, i DONT get it.

no offense but i dont see any 'kesyokan' of that dance... geli ada lah NO OFFENSE! Tapi kan, apa laitu? you go (sambil lenggang-lenggang badan):
1. four steps to your right, and then
2. four steps to the left,
3. foursteps backwards, and then
4. another four steps to the front and at the same time turn to your right.
5. repeat step 1 to 4 until the music ends... which according to jnr, is about 5 minutes long!

my goodness! kalau sya laa... i wouldve fainted by the 3rd round.

my colleague even dubbed this dance as the tarian OM...

anywayyy... hv i mentioned that jnr is now working with a new company? he used to work with Lektronex Eng S/B and after 5 yrs, he decided to join Faber Medi-serve. He told me that the work env. is totally different from what he's used to. when he was with Lektronex, he build things... well, of course, not him alone lah bah... but then, he has to go to the project site every day, check on the progress, make decision on what to/not to do... assign who and who to do what and what... go meeting and fight with the s*****/d*** architect *sorry honey, that's what u told me* and... emm... mostly that's about it la... most of his working hours is spent in the project site... under the heat of the sun. i do hv a feeling that his job back then was quite stressful.

but now, i think his job is a bit more relaxing.... but a lot of OUTSTATIONS spent more of his working hours in the office, doing paperwork, reports, audits... scheduling... coz this is a maintenance company kan... and one more thing abt this new company, most of the staf are locals... so, of course the env. is much emm... friendlier than before... so, this december, they're going to have a family day and they've organized activities like futsal... and volleyball mangkali tu. and for the dinner... his colleagues decided to do a - guess what??? - POCHO-POCHO DANCE

now, they're bz practicing already and since jnr is new, they FORCE him to join them with the dance! kesian juga jnr ooo... but he said, tidak bagus juga if he refuse... nnt ppl say he sombong pula. and then, not only join in the dance tau, hv to be in the front row lagi kesian ooo... and then, all ladies lagi tu, so far only 2 guys yg ikut - including jnr la... the other guys kasi malu2 savo sya... kesian my honey kannnn... they even take video lagi...

and that's just exactly what i want to share today.... heheheh... usually i posted ellone punya video, today, we watch daddy ellone punya video so long my introduction bah... mcm mo pi donggongon dari rumah sya but taking jalan blakang, pi putatan dulu and then round kk, masuk kolombong, pi bukit padang, tembus kibabaig... baru sampai donggongon

bah, enjoy the video aa... not that clear la bcos they use hphone bah...

jadi? apa kata pengkritik?


pinolobu said...

i also dont get it. but since everybody does it, somehow, due to social pressure, you have to do it. first time i actually did it last yr.

but this craze seems to have a long shelf life. till now still going strong.

i blogged about this a year ago:

Anonymous said...

i believe poco poco is a traditional indonesian dance, and was pushed into limelights by the datin2 in functions few decades ago. but the good thing bout it is it is kindda easy to learn kan? :)

Anonymous said...

haha..i was entertained by your emoticons lah mimi..haha! uihh..ko tia tau..masa sya masih nyanyi di prince hotel, datin2 yg slalu dtg sana MESTI mo menari tu pocho2! Sukati durang jak mo 'pocho2'..lagu 'can't take my eyes off you' pun durang bulih 'pocho2'..jan main2..sana lagi 'TERUK' penyakit pocho2 dia..hehe..sya pun tia faham apa yg best sgt..tapi obviously..cuma org 'tua2' jak yg suka muda2 mana ada pocho2..hehe.

Anonymous said...

You know I have been wanting to know how to dance pocho pocho since Datin Maryati mentioned it in Kesumba's meeting.... unfortunately I couldn't seem to find anything related to it on the internet...

Thanks for posting the video, I finally have a clue of what the pocho pocho dance looks like..... it doesn't look like much really especially for something people claimed to be a great way to lower stress levels.

Anonymous said...

hi there..
i've danced this pocho-pocho dance before in National Service..
i was wondering do u know where to find the song?