My very good friend / colleague / classmate Baizurah gave me this long list of awards and Thank You very much for awarding them to me!
1. Amazing Friendship Award
2. BFF (Blogging Friends Forever)
3. I Love Your Blog Awards
4. Superblogger Award
5. Uber Amazing Blog!
And I'm passing all these awards to:-
Mimi! I am glad to know that I am not the only one who thinks Edward is dream guy material! Haha... at this rate, I'll never get hitched... I keep falling in love with book characters. I used to have the hugest crush on Cedric Diggory of Harry Potter too.. I guess that says a lot about my sanity! :p
Anyway about Robert Pattison playing Edward Cullen... at first I thought he's not pale and mysterious enough... but they've transformed him to fit the character somehow... and remember when I said I used to have the hugest crush on Cedric Diggory? well, Rob played Cedric in the Harry Potter movie ... and can't say I have any complains. Hehe.
I can't picture any one else for the part. Perhaps you know any actors who would make a better Edward Cullen?
Anyway, after you're done with Twilight, read Midnight Sun before you start reading New Moon. It's Twilight from Edward point of view... I think It's very amusing. You can get it here
it's a draft for Ms. Meyer's new book...
WOW!!! Lots of awards!
Thanks... Best of all, I'm not required to pass them to anyone else
me got awards.. satu lori nih.. ;p thanks anyway..
yay!! awardsssss....tenkiuuuu
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