Thursday, November 06, 2008

Tagged by Herda

1) Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right NOW!.
2) DON'T change your clothes, DON'T fix your hair...just take a picture.
3) Post that picture with NO editing.
4) Post these instruction with your picture.
5) Tag 10 people to do this



OWH MANNN!!! I looked awful! Ada bekas2 jerawat yg baru kena picit lagi tu! Tired eyes, brows that haven't been shaped for more than 2 mths, no make-up - well, i don't even know how to put on make-ups [didn't even bother to put on mosturizer]. aiya!!! i should have taken the pic ala Magibon Besar sikit tu mata.

Now, let's see if these bloggers are brave enough [I know some of you have already been tagged, but u haven't done it yet so i guess i can still tag u!]:-

1. Elcynthia

2. Dzuhriah

3. Faizah

4. Izyanti

5. Joyce

6. KadusMama

7. Nleen

8. Zue

9. Shanel

10. Yone


dzu amri said...

wah, tag by two people.. should i post two different picture? hehe..

anyway, tengkiu..

elcynthia 엘신티아 said...

ya ya... same here dzuh!!!

KaDusMama said...

alamak!! another tag..Len..betul2 banyak hutang tag sia nie tau..but nda pa..nanti sia buat ni tag sebab dia senang sikit..hehehe

mzn said...

Got 2 tag on this n nominate ur name as well...since u alrdy hv it done...ok la tu...hehe

kuireena said...

hui len.. muka tu bah, punya serius..hehe