Thursday, January 08, 2009

New Template

Since everyone i know are changing their blog template for the new year, yours truly decided to join in the fun and end up with this simple one. i decided that this is my current favourite and i'm going to stick with it for a while.

still in the process of 'renovating' of course, so please forgive me for the mess. if your blog is not in my blogroll yet, don't worry. it will be there in a few days time. if by February it is still not there, pls remind me ya...

i wanted to continue with the all the editings BUT i didnt realize it's already past midnight - in fact, it;s already 1:00 a.m!!! no wonder i was soooo sleepy a few moments ago, but now i'm quite wide awake - but then again i had to go to sleep, otherwise, i'll have to find another reason on why i'm late (again) tomorrow... damn! i'm tempted to take emergency leave tomorrow - oops! rephrased : later today - but i have just made another resolution kunun for the new year which is... to have at least 5 annual leave to bring fwd to next year!

ok peeps... time to hit the sack! btw, how do you like my new template???


Merl•Revlis said...

blue, white, gray with rounded corner.. very nice to see owh. ya maybe got a few lagi to kasi kemas, tapi palan2 bah ko sana... ;)

i olso baru tukar kulit. tapi tida pandai suda ni. last2 sa cuma change width sama header punya gambar. (note to self: big header pix = slow loading).. aiyah...

KaDusMama said...

Sejuk mata tingu your blog nie.. :) Biru-biru..
Nice template..!!

Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...

UIh do we change the template?

Anonymous said...

jgn lupa kama sia punya link :P

Mimi said...

Mell : mcm sya give up suda mo kasi kemas. mcm2 suda template sya try, tp masih nampak messy. maybe sya patut kasi kurang benda2 di sidebar sya... tp mcm semua sya mau hehehe... so biar dulu la sana. and yup, dulu sya pun ada big banner pix & memang lambat mo load...

Kadusmama : tq T... ko punya template pun apa kurangnya...

Mimi said...

Willie : Thanks Willie... actually there are a lot of websites offering free templates but those templates doesn't always work. but if you want to DIY, maybe u can chk this entry

MrBadak : Hi MrB... whr hv u been? punya lama x nampak.... i tot u've forgotten all abt me hehehe... anyway, sorry, i didn't really check my blogroll... actually i oredi put ur link in but maybe tidak ter-save... thanks for reminding me k... hugs to little jewel... she's so cute ooo!

elcynthia 엘신티아 said...

aaa... Lelen, you're tempting (indirectly) to change my template as well. ^^ hohohoho!! happy new year to you...

Mimi said...

elcy : bukan ko baru tukar template juga ka? *wink-wink*

elcynthia 엘신티아 said...

ah... tukar utk new year.. hehehehe

Anonymous said...

I think this is a nice template. First time visitor by the way. :-)

Mimi said...

Gallivanter : thanks... but i'm pretty sure u've been here b4.. u've even left a few comments... :-)