Monday, March 23, 2009

Last Time Kan Mommy….

Ellone followed me to work this morning. She skipped (play)school again. Last Friday, she didn’t go to (play)school because…. well, no reason… i guess she was feeling malas so she decided not to go. wah!!! kecil kecil pun pandai escape suda owh!

Last night, she woke up crying, complaining her left ear is painful. She even ask her daddy to korek her ear in the middle of the night. after her ear is clean, she is still complaining and still crying. Hubby said the eardrum looks swollen. o’owh… not good! She had a history of Ear Infection and the doctor said, “sudah kena satu kali, lain kali misti kena lagi”.

So this morning, i brought her to see the doctor. Doctor confirmed her eardrum is swollen. Gave us some medicine including antibiotics. Lucky the antibiotics needs to be taken only twice a day – morning and night. Since she doesn’t have fever, i thought i’ll just bring her to work and send her home during lunchtime.

so, on our way to my office, she talked non-stop. all her stories start with “Last time kan mommy… bla bla bla bla….” well, i didn’t really paid any attention to her stories coz i’m driving. i know… bad mommy! but i’m driving…. she told me stories about her friends, what she did in school, about her cousin cherry…

and then there was this one story which she started like this :-


I was like WHATTTT??????!!!


When????!!! OMG!!!

I keep asking her when and all she said was “last time tu…”

You guys!!! My daughter noticed i had “something red” stuck in between my teeth and she didn’t say anything???

Must be Lada…

erkkk… punyala bikin malu… and my daughter didn’t even tell me… *sigh*

owh well………….


Misako said...

mimi.. I can't stop laughing pasal tu lada tersangkut.. coz I experience the same thing.. sudah abis crita2 sama org..last2 baru my daughter kasitau ada something d gigi..kakaka

Mimi said...

heheheh... napa lah bah diorg x kestau awal2 kan? tp malu juga klu time kita masih crita2, trus diorg ckp kuat2 "Mommy!! Ada Lada!!!" heheheh... Adui... sya pun masih lagi tefikir, bila la kunun tu???

@dR3h said...
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@dR3h said...

its the "red thing in your teeth" that finally caught your attention huh? hehehe.. so funny la.. cutenya ellone ni.. hehe

elcynthia 엘신티아 said...

ellone... hehehe so cute. nasib baik kau ndak tertekan brek sebab tekejut ah Len..^^

Anonymous said...

OMG! That's hilarious! Children have different concept of shame... maybe Ellone did not think it was pretty embarrassing to have lada stuck on one's teeth... so cute!

I have a similar experience with lada kering. It's why I stay away from nasi lemak in the morning... one time I forgot check my teeth after eating and spent almost the whole day with a piece of lada stuck on my front teeth. Bikin malu betul.

Mimi said...

Herda : ya bah... finally... hehehehe

Elcy : hehe... sikit lagi C...

Bee : maybe mo bawa mirror kicik ni tau pi mana2. so, lepas makan, make it a habit to check the teeth 1st hehehe