Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A lazy wednesday afternoon

Warning : This entry contains gross photos!

i’m soooo sleepy right now. i’m supposed to continue building my system yg x pandai siap2 tu but i couldn’t concentrate. my eyelids feel so heavy. my reliable source for AI spoilers are also very quiet today so no spoiler for today’s American Idol show. i’m just afraid that the show will only be on tv tomorrow instead of today coz if it’s tomorrow, then i’m going to miss it. tomorrow is my gym day. that’s riiiighht… GYM y’all… how cool is that? i’m going to the GYM.. wahhhh so cool owh kan??

sorry… i don’t have anything to brag about for quite some time.

hah! come to think of it, why don’t i dedicate this entry to a lot of some bragging? bah, ok la… bragging time starts now.

need to put some pic la, baru best kan?


this is me, back in November 2008. Hideous right? OMG!!! just look at the bulging stomach and the thigh and the chin! Yikes! I totally loathed myself back then! i was so huge and heavy!


about 3 months later…


ahhh…. the face is still hideous but the body looks much better kan? i purposely make the pic small. u need to click on it to see the tulisan2 there. i still have the flabby tummy tho. that part is so difficult to lose. but i’m still happy with my accomplishment… now my jeans are all loose and comfortable, i don’t have muffin top… and best of all, i can now cut my toenails! hehehe…

owh man!!! I was going to post more photos but i forgot my external hdd at home. guess the gross photos ends here la.

wah!!! suddenly got mood to do work! hehehe…

ok la… bubbye y’all… sementara mood to work masih ada!

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KaDusMama said...

WAHHHHH!!!!!! Amazing!!!!! I'm impressed!!! Gila lah!! apa program ko ikut nie??? Marie France Bodyline kah???

Mimi said...

bukan... hehehe... pernah juga tepikir mo pi MFB tp nasib baik juga nda pigi. My cousin went trus dia disappointed ni coz she said teda beza. I'm using a product by NuSkin. if got time, i'll blog about it tomorrow.

Real said...

Even the face looks way more cheerful than the before-photo. Macam desperate mo tahan senyum ja tu hehe...

@dR3h said...

yeah.. amazing!! don't forget to blog about that product k.. by the way, this is out of the topic tapi, bila bah sbnrnya AI ni? how come tonight tiba2 recap last week punya result? I'm konfius la.. ka sebab they're doing the tour this week?

dzu amri said...

is it really you? are you sure bukan superimposed? macam saya nda pcaya pula the before picture. you've always been that slim bah. anyway, you're doing great.

Mimi said...

si kicik : dulu, stress saja kan abis semua baju pun x muat... skrg happy ja sbb jeans yg suda 4thn x pakai pun ble pakai balik.

Herda : ntah sya pun x tau la... maybe tonight. apa la diorg ni, skijap wednesday, skijap thursday... hisyyyy...

Dzuh : hehehe... terima la hakikat yg before pic tu memang saya. klu nda pcaya, tanya c osso hehehe...

Aunty J said...

Wow! Looking good...keep it up...soon am sure kami semua jeles wt ur super gorgeous body oso need to loose those 5 kgs i put on lately....big sigh...

Mimi said...

Aunty J : Hi Aunty J! Thanks for visiting... super gorgeous? *sigh* i wish i can reach dat level hehehe... hopefully i can keep up with my workout regime. jangan2 awal2 ja semangat... later on malas suda.. heheh... btw, i hv a simple diet (without using any product) that might work to loose that 5kg. if u're interested, let me know, i'll email u...

yanti said...

hi leyana! ketara the difference.i saw u that day during lunch and memang i saw that macam ada perubahan but tidak sempat mau long before you can see the result? ini yang mau mencuba ni. by the way, which gym u join? ada gym yg baru that will be open soon in 1b kan? dekat juga tu if mau join.
and yes the MFB friend join bukan calang2, RM6000++ sekali after 2 sessions she quit! boring dia bilang. sayangkan? itu exercise machine pun dia beli, sekali now the machine jadi tempat gantung baju/underwear dalam biliknya.hehhehe...funny bah kalau mau cerita the journey mau kasi kurus badan ni.

Anonymous said...

You will definitely lose weight with this program..!sebab sa pun dalam the program now.. from Nu-Skin and the program is called T.R.A (The Right Approach)..only 3 bulan program..:)

Mimi said...

yanti : hi zy... heheh... ya la.. the other day, x sempat juga crita2 panjang bah kan? pasal product yg sya pakai tu, u can see the result as early as 2 wks! by 1 mth, ketara betul suda tu. see this
those photos were my 4 wks result.

btw, i'm now going to Core Fitness Gym, Citymall. dulu YFitness tu...

tRaceL : hi kazen... hehehe... thanks sbb tolong promote...