I’ve just found out that Dakota Fanning
Photo courtesy of www.tonicgossip.com
one of the cutest childstar ever,
Photo courtesy of hotcelebs.today.com
will be playing Jane in New Moon, the Twilight sequel. When I was reading the book, I never really paid attention to Jane so I don’t really remember how she’s supposed to look like. maybe i should start reading New Moon again just to see whether Dakota Fanning makes a good Jane or not.
Oh and btw, Taylor Lautner will be coming back after all.
I’m still on sick leave and I’m so loving it! I was given 3 days of sick leave and the doctor asked me to see him again later today to check on the eyes. This is how my eyes look like right now
macam mata Maya Karin di Pontianak Harum SUNDAL Malam kan? hehehe…
what do you think? are these eyes healthy enough for me to go to work tomorrow? guess i still need another 3 days of those sick leaves.
You know, the thing i love most about having conjunctivitis is that, except for the bloodshot eyes, there is actually nothing wrong with me. I feel perfectly fine! it’s not like having flu or fever or diarrhea where you’ll be bedridden for a good 2 or 3 days. this is like given free day off. Owh I’m loving every minute of this! The vision is a bit blurry tho, which can sometimes be quite uncomfortable, but other than that… this is superb!
Alahai.. you also got the conjunctivitis. My family got it for two weeks. Luckily my two boys had recovered, now their ayah still got it. Maybe it's the musim.
Hope you get well soon.
how's your eyes? masi mcm Maya Karin dlm PHSM ka?
Hehe..get well soon ya!
I tot Jane is supposed to be a kid, like twelve or something.
But Dakota could be a very creepy Jane.
Wah like everyone got sakit mata these days. When's my turn? I want the free leave!
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