Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Now that’s what i call SINGING

if you open Yahoo! and MSN today, u must hv noticed the article about Susan Boyle. I’ve never watched Americans Got Talent before, let alone Britains Got Talent. Heck, i didn’t even know there’s a show called Britains Got Talent… i know, i’m pathetic.

now, who is this Susan Boyle. By looking at her picture, there seems to be nothing special. She even said that she’s never been kissed and she lives alone with her cat, Pebbles. She’s 47 years old and i don’t blame the audience for underestimating her. she looked plain and i can imagine why the audience were expecting a horrible performance. even simon and piers looked cynical at 1st.


when she started singing….

O… M…. G…!!!!!!!

youtube link

you should listen to it yourself. i think it sounded like…. like the voice of a Disney Princess singing… the voice of the all the songs in fairy tales. I got goose bumps all over me.

anyway, on a different note, i’m on sick leave today. infectious conjunctivitis! kan, sya bilang… yesterday, i suspected that i might have conjunctivitis. turns out to be true!

1 comment:

Bee said...

You know when I heard all the hype I downloaded the video but never really got the chance to watch it till today... she sang so beautifully, it brought tears to my eyes!

seriously, i thought she was an old loony bin!